22 November 2008


I seriously have no idea where time is going right now. For the past week, at least, I have felt somewhat disconnected and a little scatter brained. Perhaps it's the holidays rushing to meet me, maybe it's the seasons changing here, could be some kind of breast feeding hormonal thing, I really don't know but it's starting to annoy me.

So what to do? Tomorrow I am going to calendar the next month, get things back on track or at least make myself feel that they are. I think I will be really happy when the month long holiday break kicks in for The Son. A full reset will do the body/mind good.

Regardless of my molasses brain this week I have been working pretty hard at keeping up the workout schedule/physical activities. This past week was a little slow but all in all it's become a regular part of life. I run almost everyday, on off days I totally miss it and look forward to it. 

As part of my calendar I'm going to update my workout schedule. I am feeling a bit plateaued and think I need to mix it up. I also need to get more yoga happening again. 

Okay so I'm rambling a bit but here are some links to articles about SUPER FOODS:

All for now, let's hope that after my little mental pring cleaning tomorrow I can get things back on track.

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16 November 2008

beef and booze and presents! oh my!

I've been thinking about food a lot lately because of Thanksgiving and Christmas being so close. In reflecting on the holidays I have been trying to strategize how to make it thorough this season without:

Yes, I know this sounds dramatic but seriously, how totally bad for you is meat. I don't eat meat anymore, I have fish and seafood pretty regularly. I don't dislike meat, or at least I used to like meat, now, honestly, the idea of it makes me a bit queazy. 

My family, who I will be spending Christmas dinner with, eats meat, to me they eat a lot of meat. For Christmas we have a giant beef roast with Yorkshire Pudding and gravy and all sorts of creamed vegetables, it's a veritable feast of butter and cream and it's all super yummy and super bad for you. 
This year I am bringing 2 veggie dishes to share and even though it's cooked in the smoking hot beef fat from the pan I WILL eat some Yorkshire pudding because it is heavenly.

However, as it is perpetually winter where they live and they aren't gym goers I have been, as I said earlier, strategizing. 

How to get the best and avoid the worst at the Christmas feast without going off the deep end?

1. Make a plan, think about your schedule for the holidays. Establish times when you can get in some exercise, even if it's just for a few minutes.
2. Eat before you go to a party or dinner, even a small snack like an apple can keep you from going overboard with the rich foods.
3. At holiday functions look for the healthy snacks first. I know in my family there is always a tray of celery and carrots hiding somewhere behind a cheese ball and dips.
4. Remember that alcoholic drinks usually have a lot of calories, 2 or 3 drinks can equal a meal so go slow on the booze.
5. If traveling to a different town for the holidays, find out what gyms are around your destination and what there holiday schedule is. All gyms will sell you a day or weekly rate. 
6. If staying at a hotel make sure to book one with a gym, most hotels have some kind f fitness center or discounts at gyms nearby. Call ahead and ask.
7. Make sure you get enough sleep. Lack of sleep encourages poor metabolism, get 8 hours whenever possible.
8. Register on any of the fitness websites that have downloadable, printable or streaming workout videos on their websites. Self, Fitness and Women's Health all do. These are great because you can take the workouts with you. There are plenty that don't require equipment so you can get in some activity without too much effort.
9. Don't stress. When feeling taxed by all the running around, shopping, eating, drinking, whatever, just take a deep breath and relax.
10. Enjoy yourself! The holidays don't last very long, so have some fun. It's as good for you as working out.


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