15 August 2008

everyone can be a supermodel...even me

So here's a motivational picture I found today. Heidi Klum at the beach. I know, you're thinking, a supermodel in a bikini could be reaching too high for someone just starting out but really, she looks pretty normal in this picture. I mean she looks trim and fit but not superhuman by
any means, and she's had a few kids herself, so it can be done, we can have fitness and a life. 


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14 August 2008

thursday smackdown!

Woohoo! I feel great! I just finished the "Customized" Drop a Jeans Size Workout and it was terrific. It has these "Supersets" some with hand weights, most without, but totally hard in the fun-make-you-feel-satisfied kind of a way. Or maybe I'm just all high on endorphins?

I love that scene in Postcards from the Edge when the actress tells Meryl Streep "I'm in it for the "endolphin" rush" that gets me every time.

Anyway, I did it. For the warm up cardio I jumped rope for about 7 minutes, with many less tangles this time but that damn rope is still all twisty, anyone know how long it takes to relax?

Then it was onto:

Did 20 reps of each and then threw on some stragglers at the end, moves I want to get good at but might not be able to do for that long, like Weighted Jumping Jacks, whoever thought of that was a Sadist but you can tell right away that they work.
Finished up with a couple more minutes, like 2, of jumping rope and then got the ankle weights and marched it down. I'm going to try to use them everyday in the afternoon until I finish making dinner, seems like thats a good match up. I'm walking all over the house during those hours, might as well get as much out of it as possible.

Oh and new idea for finding the exercise in everything, no more sitting to compute. I am at the computer for a good part of the day but from now on, only standing. I have a high counter to work at and it actually feels better on my wrists than working at my desk. We'll see.

Tomorrow it's Mother's Day here in Costa Rica so The Husband has the day off, we're heading to the beach for some surfing and sunshine.

p.s. I LOVE PLANK! full body workout!

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13 August 2008

wednesday workout

Things went well today, I was super busy and did not get to do the Drop a Jeans Size Workout but I did get to do the 5-minute Brazilian Butt Lift ....TWICE.

I was thinking about my best girlie-girl friend Kam Fu (that's her over there) and her approach to yoga. She feels that there is yoga in everything you do, that it's not just a routine or practice that you do on a certain day in a studio. She tries to stay mindful and look for the stretch, the breath, in everything she does, even making a cup of tea or using the computer.

I need to develop a similar attitude with exercise. I love going to the gym and working out at home but there are tons of little moments in which I could be adding more. For example, today I was waiting, for what seemed like forever, in line at a store. Without really thinking about it I started doing calf-lifts, mostly because I was bored out of my skull, but all of a sudden I realized I had been at it for 7 minutes. 7 minutes of calf lifts!!, that's got to be good for you right? Well it certainly felt like it was. So then, feeling inspired, I threw on the ankle weights while making dinner.

Starting tomorrow I am going to break up the Drop a Jean Size into sections and do one section each day, add some cardio and keep doing yoga in the morning. I think this will mesh better with my life and make it become second nature easily.

More later.....

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12 August 2008


I love getting new sneaks, always have, and these are super minty!!


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the full marty

So a friend of mine checked out the blog and asked me why it says that I want to lose "X" pounds. Well here's the thing, I hate all the numbers. I hate counting calories, weighing food, weighing myself, measuring body parts, changing clothes sizes, all of it. I think these number constrain us, they keep us bound in body image issues and they don't really mean anything. If you have ever sewn clothes then you understand this from patterns. Off the rack clothing is sized completely differently than patterns for sewing. You can be a size 6 at the store and a size 10 for a pattern. Its all useless and it gets me down, so NO NUMBERS.

Instead I'm going to use pictures as often as possible. We can take a look, an actual, truthful look at the situation and see how it goes. So here it goes, this is exactly what I'm working with, no photoshopping, no edits, this is just me.

Drumroll please.......................................................

I will post an updated photo every few weeks in order to track progress.

martha mac

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leftover lovin'

One of the tricks to cooking for a family is making the food last, extending it for more than one meal. It can get tricky sometimes, especially when everyone likes different things.

My son grazes all day long, usually on fruits but also on cucumbers, carrots and broccoli. This sounds great but it's a total drag when you go to make supper and there are no veggies left because he decided to eat a kilo of something for an afternoon snack.

To help combat this I usually make larger recipes of meals. When a recipe says it will feed 4 I usually add a little more of everything so it will feed six, then I get lunches for a day or two after.

This weeks menu plan has worked well for this. On Sunday I made falafel, lots of falafel. Fantastic Foods has a great falafel mix, the flavor is top notch and the quantity is generous. It's low fat, vegan, has no saturated fat and is high in fiber. They also have recipes to use with the mix here. Many natural food stores carry this in bulk.

This makes for great lunches, at least 4 days of lunches and falafel freezes really well so you don't have to eat them right away or day after day.

If you prefer to make your own, try this **recipe:


  • 16 oz. can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans.
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • garlic, chopped (to your taste)
  • fresh parsley, chopped (to your taste)
  • coriander (to your taste)
  • cumin (to your taste)
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • Salt & Pepper (to your taste)
  • Oil for frying


Combine chickpeas, garlic, onion, coriander, cumin, salt and pepper (to taste) in medium bowl. Add flour.
Mash chickpeas, mix ingredients well. You can also combine ingredients in a food processor. You want a thick paste.
Form the mixture into small balls, about an 1.5 inches in diameter. Slightly flatten.
Fry in oil until golden brown, turning as needed. (5-7 minutes).
Drain and serve.

** When I make falafel I usually make them more patty-like instead of balls. They cook a little faster and use less oil this way.

And for a yummy twist on this classic, check out this recipe from Veggie Meal Plans!


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11 August 2008

30/60/90 oh my!

I took some time this afternoon to attempt my first go-round with the Drop A Jeans Size Workout from this month's Fitness Magazine and let me tell you it's a total ass kicker.

First let me point out a couple of tips:

1. When you get a new jump rope, let it hang somewhere, at least overnight so it doesn't keep twisting up on you while your trying to use it.
2. Jumping rope was WAY easier when you were 9, even just for 90 seconds.
3.When you have little kids in the house timing is everything.
4. Weighted jumping jacks will remind you exactly how out of shape you are.

Basically, I started the work out, got totally tangled up in my jump rope, pushed through to the second combo, weighted jumping jacks/push-up, and then the baby started crying and needed my undivided attention so I had to stop.

So all-in-all for the first day I did about 5 to 10 minutes of a 40 minute routine but I don't feel defeated, it was hard and fun and I will try again on Wednesday.

I will Drop a Jeans Size this month!

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green tea for me please

So more info is being recorded by researchers investigating the powers of green tea in the fight against breast cancer.

University of Mississippi scientists have found significant evidence that green tea's antioxidant EGCG (epigallocatechin-3- gallate) can inhibit breast tumor growth in female mice.

This is exciting news and something that we all need to keep our eyes on. Perhaps we will see a cure for breast cancer very soon.

In the meantime, I'm off to put on the kettle.

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you're goin' down!

If you haven't picked up this months Fitness Magazine you should. Daisy Fuentes is on the cover looking fantastic at 41 and talking about how she keeps fit here

Fitness Magazine is always packed full of great information, I really like the vibe too. It's never preachy, always encouraging and really directed at women's needs.

This month in the fitness section (pg. 88) is the Drop a Jean Size Workout and this will be my challenge for the next 30 days. 

The workout consists of a series of 30/60/90 routines. If you aren't familiar with these, click here to check out the creators of the method.

Basically it works like this. You have 2 exercises that you alternate between in 90 second, 60 second and 30 second intervals. This is a great way to keep from getting bored since you aren't just doing one thing for what seems like an eternity. It's also nice because you don't have to keep track of set/rep numbers, all you have to do is watch the clock, for no more than 90 seconds. I think I can do that. 

The workout, with 6 exercise combos, is about 40 minutes long/3 times a week and I can definitely squeeze that in to my life. I think this will work well as a home workout and then when I can get to the gym I can add cardio or a class.

The Drop a Jean Size Workout does require hand weights, I have some 3 pounders I'll be using and a jump rope which is optional. 

Wish me luck!

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the BLD


Breakfast - 
*Sabzi Koko scramble with 1 egg and 2 extra egg whites.
Broiled plum tomato slices
1/2 whole wheat pita
coffee with milk

Lunch - 
Falafel in whole wheat pita with lettuce and broiled tomatoes. 
Annie's Goddess dressing (LOVE THIS)
Carrot-orange juice

Dinner - 
**Green bean,roasted red pepper, cannellini beans tossed with quinoa and a cilantro-lime dressing

Snack - 
Celery sticks with peanut butter

*Sabzi koko is a Persian egg dish with parsley, chives and cilantro. I got a bag of the herb blend and just sauteed a bunch in the pan before adding the egg mixture.

Cook 1 lb. green beans (I use the French kind) until just tender

2 roasted red peppers seeded and cut into strips (I do this on my stove, I just put them on top of the gas flame until they are black, keep turning them, put in plastic bag for 5 minutes after, this makes them super easy to peel)

1 can of cannellini beans (you can use any bean you like, I used these for the color)

1.5 cups cooked quinoa (pronounced keen-wha, it is available at most grocery stores, it's a whole grain and kind of like polenta or couscous)

Mix all of these together.

Cilantro-lime dressing is olive oil, lime juice, chopped fresh cilantro, garlic, salt and pepper.

Add dressing and eat...yummy!

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10 August 2008

stinky, sweaty, stretchy

Can I just say that I love yoga class? Well I do. 

On Sundays I go to a fantastic, challenging, twisty flow class at my gym. The instructor is tough in the sense that she challenges but gentle in that she encourages moderation and taking it little by little.  There's also something really nice about starting the week with a nice full length yoga class. I always feel 3 inches taller afterward.

My regular exercise routine will include daily short practices, about 20 minutes in length each morning and my regular Sunday class. I will be working with 2 great instructors via podcast and DVD.  

Yoga Journal Faculty Teacher Jason Crandell has made a great selection of short practices called Yoga Journal TV. They are available online HERE for free, you can also get them through iTunes, again for free.

I like Jason's videos for a couple of reasons. They are a manageable length of time, averaging about 20 minutes making them perfect for a busy schedule. Additionally, Jason is a good instructor, plain and simple. He uses clear, easy to understand language and doesn't get super "New Age-y". He also uses a lot of encouraging dialogue and points out specific details of poses that make the entire experience enjoyable and safe.

Sara Ivanhoe's 20 Minute Yoga Makeover series is fantastic. They are available HERE  for purchase, as well are her extended length practices. I have to admit that I am a bit biased when it comes to Sara, she is an old friend but she is also and excellent instructor. She is another instructor who uses really simple terms to explain things, you never feel like you need to look something up and then go back to the video. She has a great flow to her routines and the 20 Minute Series is really good for all levels. She explains modifications and always reminds you that everyone does yoga at their own pace and that even she falls down during balancing poses too.

I think starting the day with some nice centering and stretching will really motivate me to do more exercise throughout the day. I was just talking with my friend Keriann who reminded me of the importance of looking at yoga as "something in everything" instead of just a workout you do at a specific time once or twice a week. There's something to be said for that, the idea that everything you do, if you are mindful of it, can be yoga. 

Well got to run, I need to wash my yoga mat, like seriously, it's stinky!

martha mac

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the whole cannoli

Okay so here's the deal. 

I want to lose X pounds, be more toned and incorporate the methods I use into my life to the point in which they become second nature.  This is my quest and in order to do this I am going to utilize exercise and diet changes.

Things which might hold me back are my somewhat crazy schedule, cooking for 4 very different people, maintaining motivation and consistency and body image issues.

Having 2 little ones doesn't always leave a lot of time for the gym. To help alleviate this I am going to be incorporating more home exercise routines and methods into my regular gym routine including workouts with weights, yoga, walking, aerobics and hopefully someday running. I have a few DVD workouts that I really like and also some great online resources.

I am going to be adjusting my diet to be more well rounded and nutritionally complete. I currently eat no meat, poultry or fish but am adding fish/seafood back into my diet.  Lots of veggies will make up the rest with some grains and a little dairy. I'm going to be posting my BLDs (breakfast/lunch/dinners) and sharing recipes for things that seem especially yummy and/or interesting. Meals get tricky at my house, I'm the solo veggie, I don't cook meat anymore, though I just added fish back into my diet for health reasons, I was having some nutritional imbalances and adding fish/seafood back was the best way to combat this. 

Luckily my family does understand that if they want me to cook, they eat what I make which works pretty well except with my 6 y.o. who's in a phase right now in which he doesn't like anything I make, but if someone else makes the same thing he'll eat it. 

Our little one, 10 months, is still nursing and eating some solids, she likes to share more than eat baby food, so she's pretty easy but since I'm still nursing I can't do dieting which might be detrimental to my health. Anyone who has breast fed knows that you can get yourself run down pretty quickly if you aren't getting enough calories, including plugged ducts, breast infections and exhaustion.

The Husband is a super picky eater, he claims to like everything but in reality he doesn't and he won't eat most superfood veggies and he likes cheese or a sauce on practically everything. 

With regard to motivation and consistency, I am designing 
an exercise routine that has many workouts so when I get bored or don't have a lot of time I can flip through my list of options and have something available to accommodate. I know that there are times I avoid exercise because I think, "Oh, I only have 20 minutes," when in reality that's plenty of time. 

Body image, body image, body image. This is such a strange phenomenon. I mean really, the idea that we, through conditioning? nature?, can see our own bodies differently than they appear is baffling. Where in our minds does this come from? Is it some instinctual feature that relates to attracting/competing for a mate? It can't all be from media images, I'm sure people had body image issues before there was advertising and fashion magazines. 

For me, my body image issues have run the gamut. For years I was Miss String Bean USA, I was so thin and just didn't ever gain weight, I had no chest, practically a negative chest and backside and basically looked like a boy. 

Some people think this is a blessing but it's just as annoying as being overweight or out of shape.  In my experience people had no problem making smart-ass comments right to my face, it was as if they felt they could just say anything, there is no sensitivity for the overly thin either. I remember one time at a party and someone asked me if I was anorexic, when I said no the entire group I was with said things like, "yeah right, uh-huh, sure, well bulimic then?" It was humiliating. Another time someone asked me if I had cancer.

All this changed when I became pregnant with my son and gained 80 pounds. It took me about 4 years to drop 50 it and I was pretty happy with that, I'm not very good at dieting, I didn't know how to. I know I will never be Miss String Bean again and honestly don't want to, it's pretty nice having a curvy woman's body finally but I definitely want a more toned curve. I need to find a happy medium between the skinny and the curvy that doesn't feel lumpy and dumpy.

So that's the large nutshell, there will be more later. I am going to post some info about target areas, goals, workout schedules and meals.

martha mac

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