30 October 2008

finally back online

It seems like it's been a month since I was able to get online. For some unknown reason we had no internet at my house for the past week and a half but now we're back.

So in the last couple of weeks I've been pretty busy. Making sure to get a run in most days. I hit the big mark last week. 5K!!! That's 3.1 miles to all you Gringos out there.

Speaking of running, I have gotten a couple of posts and emails from people looking for races here in Costa Rica. I am looking into whether or not there is a central listing of races and will post more info about this soon.

I do know that the Costa Rica International Marathon will be on December 7. The contact email for this is maraintercostarica@hotmail.com contact person is Guillermo  Saenz.

Workouts! The Warriors and Goddesses Workout that I mentioned before my internet blackout is good, it's hard. It's pretty old fashioned but I like that, there's a reason certain exercises are always included in workouts or recommended by trainers and athletes and this one is chock full of them. Biceps curls, push-ups, crunches, over head shoulder presses. I really suggest that you email Ray Salomone and request a copy, he will gladly answer any questions you might have and this is definitely a good one to keep on file and in your rotation.

I'll post more later but right now it's family dinner time.

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