20 October 2008

quick update

Just 2 quick items to start the week.

I did my first Warriors and Goddesses workout today, it was good, definitely hard and I think I should sleep well tonight.

Also, here's a pretty cool site called Jog Tunes which allows you to search for workout music based on the beats per minute. You select and download the music from the iTunes store. 

They also have a podcast that you can download for free HERE. The music for the podcast is really diverse which is nice, I know I get sick of my songs after a while, even on shuffle.


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19 October 2008

sunday round-up

Click links for full articles.

Apparently kids in the US aren't getting enough milk or sunshine:

Obese people can't get no satisfaction:

Homemade pretzels are yummy, quick and easy:
Apparently poop from gut bacteria helps decide whether we are lean or fat, yuck!


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happy sunday

I decided to take the day off. Usually this is my yoga day and I did a really incredible short session this morning but I'm not going to my class today. I felt the need to re-adjust my week and have Sunday be a rest day.

I have a new challenge for the next 8 weeks. It called the Warriors and Goddesses Workout Plan and it was created by Ray Salomone who is a personal trainer in NY.  He gives this workout away for free, all you have to do is email him. It seems like a good well rounded program. It's made up of 3 cycles or circuits, each one has about 6 exercises. He encourages a healthy diet, preferably Mediterranean, and to include adequate cardio on the days you don't strength train. My cardio will be running 5 days and a couple of classes at the gym.

Tomorrow I am hoping to post update pictures since it has been a long time. I recommend emailing Rick and getting a copy of his workout, you need hand weights but that's it, here's the address: ray@grecoromanwellness.com


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