Through my window today...
Fitness - Food - Family - Fun
Through my window today...
According to a study being conducted by Temple University, a major factor contributing to obese women's inability to or lack of exercise are mental barriers. When asked to fill out a questionnaire throughout the study period they gave the following reasons for not exercising:
It has been raining for about 4 days straight here and it's starting to get to me. Just when I was making significant progress with my morning run I get sidelined by mother nature. I went to the gym today to run on the treadmill but it's not the same. Inside, on a machine, it feels like you're running a box. It's also really hard to get proper form on the treadmill. I feel like I can't stretch all the way, it's very constricting. Hopefully the rain will break soon and I can head back out on the road.
At home workouts can be really satisfying and beneficial. I know a lot of people who just don't like the atmosphere of the gym, which is totally understandable, and so they workout almost exclusively at home. If you're trying to develop a serious and diverse routine at home it can be really fun to incorporate workout videos.
So everyone has an iPod or an MP3 player these days and honestly I think these are one of the best tools for getting fit, these and a really properly fitted pair of athletic shoes.