My friend didn't bring me the magical cough syrup because the guy at the macrobiotico
(natural remedies store) said that since I am still nursing the herbs would upset the baby's stomach. This prompted me to go to the doctor because I was miserable and low and

behold I have bronchitis. They took blood and x-rays and gave me a shot in the arse. I feel much better now, I have been on medication for 4 days or so.
I went running this morning and had to walk a 1/4 of the way because my lungs just couldn't keep up. Little by little I guess, until I'm fully healed, but I'll tell you it was nice to get out there. Not exercising for a week is hard and I wasn't sure how hard it would be to get going again.
In about 2 weeks we head to the Great White (or More Likely Just Terribly Cold) North for holiday cheer, drama and food. I am excited to see the family but it's hard to go be inside for a week. I'm hoping it's dry so I can still go out and run, there is a really nice park near the parents house. It will look like one of these pictures while we are there and in the Northeast you never can tell which it will be, their weather is totally schizophrenic.

I haven't run in cold weather before so I have been dorking out on runners websites looking into what I need to know. Basically it's the same as running in the tropics but with more layers. For example, drink lots of water, use sunblock, don't try to add miles or speed when getting acclimated. I just need to wear tights or long-johns under my shorts I think. I think it won't be too bad if it's dry.
If it's wet, well, we'll see...