Fitness - Food - Family - Fun
Well week 1 of my Self Magazine Reach Your Goals Exercise Program is almost complete and I realized I hadn't really broken it down.
Okay so I went to the mall today to try on new jeans and see if the Drop A Jeans Size Workout really helped me drop a jeans size. I have definitely been feeling that my clothes were looser but I wanted to find out for sure.
Yoga in the morning is such a fantastic way to get going. If you can make it a priority it can be super fulfilling and you will need a lot less coffee in the morning. I have been doing the Morning Sequence with Jason Crandell for quite some time now and honestly I love it.
Apparently it's National Yoga Month in the USA and since I don't live there anymore I am a few days behind the curve on this, sorry.
So I just got back from the dentist. Without details that WILL make you cringe, I will only say that I am not working out today. I am going to snuggle up on my couch and veg-out. Perhaps have some soup or ice cream, only soft cold things she told me :(
So this summer we went crazy growing tomatoes and as a result, we had to get creative with ways to serve and eat them. We actually grew 6 different varieties, most of which grew to more than 8 feet, and all were very good fruit producers. I think that starting with a super delicious tomato is the key to everything, including a good sauce.
Everything we planted was described as an eating tomato (as opposed to a sauce tomato), but the sauces we made with them were pretty great as well.
We only grew heirlooms, but we did try several different varieties. All of them had slightly different flavors. I really like cherry tomatoes because they are sweeter and, somehow, more tomato-like in flavor – plus they produce massive quantities. Another big favorite was the Brandywine; it produced giant (like each one was about 1lb. or more) tomatoes, and the fruits had a great texture (not mealy, not dry, but not too filled with seeds and liquid either) and a good mellow flavor.
Corn/lime/jalapeno salsa
Husk and clean 5 ears of corn and cook them in boiling water with a dash of salt.
Rinse, drain cool until you can handle the corn without burning your fingertips. Make sure you strip any corn silk that may be remaining.
I think this salsa tastes better cold, and if you let it sit overnight, it will have more kick the next day. It’s good with fish & shrimp (and probably chicken, although I don’t eat poultry).
bbq’d tomato – we just cut a Brandywine into a few slices and put it directly on the grill. Once it was done, we sprinkled a little kosher salt on the top and that was it. (Kosher salt tastes less salty than sea salt, but the larger grain of it makes it more fun than simple iodized Morton’s salt.)
Grilled salmon Lightly coat in olive oil (leave skin on) and sprinkle fresh pepper on both sides. Put on grill with skin side down first. Grill it a few minutes on each side, until done, & serve.
What a day, it is absolutely beautiful here today. It's the rainy season here, actually we are coming into the 2 rainiest months of the year but right now the sun is shining and it's clear which was great for my morning walk.