11 October 2008

serene sabado

Sorry it's been a while since I posted, this week was kind of hectic, baby teething, kid with a cold, then dad with a cold then me with a cold. All are much better now.

Went to yoga today. I usually go on Sunday but my friend Camille was going today so I hitched a ride with her. It was nice, I feel stretched and taller!

I started adding a little bit onto my morning run in order to break through the 2 mile mark. It's been feeling good, it's getting hard again now that I'm adding distance but I think that's pretty normal. I hope to hit 3 miles in 2 weeks, we'll see how it goes.

Jillian Michael's 30 day shred has been kicking my butt lately too. I haven't been going to classes at the gym much because everyone was sick so  I've been on the DVDs a lot. The 30 ay shred is a great video. I'm up to Level 1 with 5lbs. and I just started Level 2 with 3 lbs.

I should have some new pix up early next week to do a comparison of before and now.

more later.

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7 October 2008

weights and woe

After doing my regular morning run and some circuit work I went over to the gym to do some strength training. I had realized this morning that I hadn't done my trainer approved workout in a really long time and wanted to get it back into rotation.

I started out on the Wave, if you haven't been exposed to the monotony that is the Wave, try it at your own risk. It targets your backside and thighs which is great, I know it works because I can feel it but it is SO boring. It's kind of a speed-inline-skate motion. And no, that's not me in the picture.--->
I feel the same way about the Elliptical machine. So the gym trainer had prescribed 20 minutes of this torture and I did it.

Then I hit the weight machines, working the upper body routine. It was satisfying to see that my strength has definitely improved over the last couple of months. All of the sets were much easier than the last time I did them.

Strangely, however, I have felt a little bit lethargic today, maybe I've got the cold that my son had. I hope so. I have been working really hard and don't want to be self-defeating, get some excuse to slow down and then sputter out. I'm going to try and push through this and hopefully it's just a cold. 

more later.

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6 October 2008

from 30,000 feet

So I'm back from the beach, it was fun, needed a recharge. 

In starting my week today I happened across this AMAZING article about 2 women, oh and a guy too, who parachuted Mt. Everest. 

It break all kinds of records and has never been done before and a huge shout out to the ladies involved.


Just remember these two brave women the next time you hear someone make reference to throwing, running or screaming like a girl!

“It was amazing, just spectacular,” Holly Budge, 29, a Winchester-born extreme sports enthusiast, said after making a safe landing at a site 12,350 feet (3,765 metres) above sea level — the highest “drop zone” achieved by a parachutist. “We had one minute of freefall and while we were above the clouds you could see Everest and the other high mountains popping out of the top,” she said.

more later

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