We just got back from a fantastic weekend at our friends Jess and Sean's place out on the Pacific coast.
The weather was perfect and they have a really amazing home/view/pool.
And while there some folks who came by had flyers for a 5k road race in March so we all decided to run it together, should be tons of fun. We will also be picking up a cutie-patootie new beagle puppy since their little darling Sparkle is about the give birth any second now.
I got my first email regarding the CDS Fun Run today. It will be February 22 and they warned that it was a hill course. I'm going to spend the next few weeks trying to lengthen my regular run. I figure I can handle the hills a bit better if I can run farther, kind of shift the strength from distance into endurance, maybe it will work, or maybe I'll feel like I'm going to die. The hill the the finish line is really long and steep so it should be really interesting.
In the next week I will be posting a review of at least one Tracie Long DVD and a new recipe.
more later.