Well week 1 of my Self Magazine Reach Your Goals Exercise Program is almost complete and I realized I hadn't really broken it down.
So here goes.
For Cardio - WORKOUT A - Build your endurance
Walk for 5 minutes at an easy pace to warm up. Using a scale of intensity from 1 to 10 (1 is drinking water; 10 is digging a well), start at level 3. Do intervals for 18 minutes: Jog 2 minutes at level 5; walk 1 minute at level 3. Do sequence 6 times. Cool down at your own pace.
Total time: 23 minutes
The speed intervals are definitely hard, especially since I'm pushing the jogger stroller when I run on the road. It's WAY easier solo or in the gym on the treadmill but most of the time I only get to run outside in the morning with the baby. One good thing about running with the stroller is that it reminds me to lean forward but it's still heavy.
For Strength - Watch this Video
I've been doing 2 sets of 10 with 5lb. hand weights for these moves and so far it has been pretty challenging. I guess I had gotten really comfortable with the Drop A Jean Size Workout, now all my muscles are saying, "Hey what the hell are you doing?" but that's a good thing right, should lead to better results.
I think the strength training is going to change each week, or maybe just the reps change, I don't know yet but I'm ready for it.
more later.
p.s. Self has a pretty cool tracker to log your exercises and diet and follow your progress. It's free to use, you just have to register.
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