11 October 2008

serene sabado

Sorry it's been a while since I posted, this week was kind of hectic, baby teething, kid with a cold, then dad with a cold then me with a cold. All are much better now.

Went to yoga today. I usually go on Sunday but my friend Camille was going today so I hitched a ride with her. It was nice, I feel stretched and taller!

I started adding a little bit onto my morning run in order to break through the 2 mile mark. It's been feeling good, it's getting hard again now that I'm adding distance but I think that's pretty normal. I hope to hit 3 miles in 2 weeks, we'll see how it goes.

Jillian Michael's 30 day shred has been kicking my butt lately too. I haven't been going to classes at the gym much because everyone was sick so  I've been on the DVDs a lot. The 30 ay shred is a great video. I'm up to Level 1 with 5lbs. and I just started Level 2 with 3 lbs.

I should have some new pix up early next week to do a comparison of before and now.

more later.

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