22 November 2008


I seriously have no idea where time is going right now. For the past week, at least, I have felt somewhat disconnected and a little scatter brained. Perhaps it's the holidays rushing to meet me, maybe it's the seasons changing here, could be some kind of breast feeding hormonal thing, I really don't know but it's starting to annoy me.

So what to do? Tomorrow I am going to calendar the next month, get things back on track or at least make myself feel that they are. I think I will be really happy when the month long holiday break kicks in for The Son. A full reset will do the body/mind good.

Regardless of my molasses brain this week I have been working pretty hard at keeping up the workout schedule/physical activities. This past week was a little slow but all in all it's become a regular part of life. I run almost everyday, on off days I totally miss it and look forward to it. 

As part of my calendar I'm going to update my workout schedule. I am feeling a bit plateaued and think I need to mix it up. I also need to get more yoga happening again. 

Okay so I'm rambling a bit but here are some links to articles about SUPER FOODS:

All for now, let's hope that after my little mental pring cleaning tomorrow I can get things back on track.

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