Whew and Sheesh!
It has been a super busy week. The Son went back to school which freed up my schedule to get back to work on ecolibria, my natural skin products line. There is a spa, Rio Shante, in Monteverde that carries my products and then I also create for individuals. It's a lot of work to make up batches of lotion, serums, lip balms, etc. so I feel like I've been going 1,000,000 miles per hour.
I'm still plugging away at the Drop a Jean Size Workout. Yesterday I was really busy but managed to fit in yoga, a walk, cardio a the gym and then after getting my order filled for the spa I figured I would do the DJSW.
It was about 8pm when I finally had time. Now usually I end my night with yoga, it's nice and relaxing and it definitely helps me sleep better but as I sort of running at capacity I figured it was more important to stay on top of the personal challenge and do the workout and skip yoga.
Well, when I got up from over sleeping and was TOTALLY sore, everything hurt. I think not doing yoga before bed sent me off all stretched the wrong way. I won't make that mistake again. Going for a walk this morning definitely helped and after I do yoga tonight I am sure I will feel 100% in the morning but damn, it has been kind of painful all day.

Here's a little giggle to wash away the pain.
1 comment:
What a fun read. I love the rock hard abs! I think I HAVE those! I just came back from the gym.. SPIN!!! I was dragging behind a couple 60 year old ladies. OUCH!!
I can give you the next 30 days! Lets get in shape! I was going to hire a trainer but we can motivate each other. well off to do some yoga. 5 minutes.. maybe more. maybe not.
See you at the gym?!!?
Rachel Divine
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