26 September 2008

finally friday

I know this post is going up kind of late but I just got home a little while ago and had to stop for a cup of tea and just take a break for a few minutes.

Today I did spinning class with my friends Rachel and Philippa and damn was it tough. The instructor was like a slip-n-slide, seriously, the guy had a puddle of sweat underneath him, it was kind of gross. 

Anyway, the class was an ass burner for sure but I don't think I'll do that one again, I mean that actual class, the guy's music was barf. There's a different class on Wednesday that I hear is great, music-wise, so I'm going to check it out.

Up next---->Jillian Michaels, dream trainer or bitch from hell? A review of the 30 Day Shred.


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