Well I don't feel like I got any rest this weekend which could be good, could be bad, won't really know until I unravel the mysteries of this week.
I had my weekly yoga class at the gym, it was great. I missed last week, was at the beach, and so I felt like I really needed it. Somehow managed to lift right up into Upward Bow today and that never happens. Usually I end up doing Bridge Pose with the newbies, but today, I don't know what possessed me to even try but I went right into it, that was pretty satisfying.
Susi tuns 1 year on Tuesday, I can't believe it's gone by so fast. It's even faster with the second child. I'm really feeling proud that I'm getting back in shape so quickly this time. I want her to grow up understanding about fitness and nutrition as well has what it means to maintain good body image. It's hard for sure, my own body image issues have run the gamut but I think that if she grows up seeing me work at being healthy it's way more positive than if she sees me being unhealthy or trying to take stupid shortcuts for vanity's sake. The main reason I am on this fitness quest is to be healthy and long-lasting for my kids. I want to be stronger and faster not just prettier, I mean sure pretty is nice too but I want to play tag, climb a tree, run a race, I refuse to just sit on the couch and watch them.
Well that's my motivation for each day and right now today I'm pretty tired and I think I'm rambling so goodnight hope you had a good weekend.
p.s. The Snack Pack Luv Muffin Pins and Magnets are available HERE!
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