So a friend of mine checked out the blog and asked me why it says that I want to lose "X" pounds. Well here's the thing, I hate all the numbers. I hate counting calories, weighing food, weighing myself, measuring body parts, changing clothes sizes, all of it. I think these number constrain us, they keep us bound in body image issues and they don't really mean anything. If you have ever sewn clothes then you understand this from patterns. Off the rack clothing is sized completely differently than patterns for sewing. You can be a size 6 at the store and a size 10 for a pattern. Its all useless and it gets me down, so NO NUMBERS.
Instead I'm going to use pictures as often as possible. We can take a look, an actual, truthful look at the situation and see how it goes. So here it goes, this is exactly what I'm working with, no photoshopping, no edits, this is just me.
Drumroll please.......................................................
martha mac
Numbers can be useful to give a sense of achievement and progress, but I find most people use them as a rod for their back. Wanting a fast result, thinking they "should" be able to do something, they set expectations really high. And then when the weight loss or health changes don't quite match those expectations, they feel like a failure. So I applaud your no numbers policy.
And also your bravery for putting photos of yourself up on your blog.
Glad you enjoyed the challenge to include fruit and vegetables in every meal. You did well. I love the sound of a tofu peanut sauce.
Thank you for posting your kind words. I appreciate them very much. I did consider for a few days, whether I wanted to put up the pictures of myself, somehow without a head it seemed less scary! I will drop by and post the tofu peanut sauce recipe!
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