Things went well today, I was super busy and did not get to do the Drop a Jeans Size Workout but I did get to do the 5-minute Brazilian Butt Lift ....TWICE.
I was thinking about my best girlie-girl friend Kam Fu (that's her over there) and her approach to yoga. She feels that there is yoga in everything you do, that it's not just a routine or practice that you do on a certain day in a studio. She tries to stay mindful and look for the stretch, the breath, in everything she does, even making a cup of tea or using the computer.
I need to develop a similar attitude with exercise. I love going to the gym and working out at home but there are tons of little moments in which I could be adding more. For example, today I was waiting, for what seemed like forever, in line at a store. Without really thinking about it I started doing calf-lifts, mostly because I was bored out of my skull, but all of a sudden I realized I had been at it for 7 minutes. 7 minutes of calf lifts!!, that's got to be good for you right? Well it certainly felt like it was. So then, feeling inspired, I threw on the ankle weights while making dinner.
Starting tomorrow I am going to break up the Drop a Jean Size into sections and do one section each day, add some cardio and keep doing yoga in the morning. I think this will mesh better with my life and make it become second nature easily.
More later.....
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