Woohoo! I feel great! I just finished the "Customized" Drop a Jeans Size Workout and it was terrific. It has these "Supersets" some with hand weights, most without, but totally hard in the fun-make-you-feel-satisfied kind of a way. Or maybe I'm just all high on endorphins?
I love that scene in Postcards from the Edge when the actress tells Meryl Streep "I'm in it for the "endolphin" rush" that gets me every time.
Anyway, I did it. For the warm up cardio I jumped rope for about 7 minutes, with many less tangles this time but that damn rope is still all twisty, anyone know how long it takes to relax?
Then it was onto:
- Superset 1: Dumbbell Squat and Shoulder Press
- Superset 1: Power Jump
- Superset 1: Plank
- Superset 2: Lunging Bent-Over Row
- Superset 2: Push-Up
- Superset 2: Standing Windmill
- Superset 3: Reverse Lunge with Biceps Curl
- Superset 3: Triceps Dip
- Superset 3: Bicycle
Finished up with a couple more minutes, like 2, of jumping rope and then got the ankle weights and marched it down. I'm going to try to use them everyday in the afternoon until I finish making dinner, seems like thats a good match up. I'm walking all over the house during those hours, might as well get as much out of it as possible.
Oh and new idea for finding the exercise in everything, no more sitting to compute. I am at the computer for a good part of the day but from now on, only standing. I have a high counter to work at and it actually feels better on my wrists than working at my desk. We'll see.
Tomorrow it's Mother's Day here in Costa Rica so The Husband has the day off, we're heading to the beach for some surfing and sunshine.
p.s. I LOVE PLANK! full body workout!
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