6 September 2008

van halen rocks!

I love Van Halen, not the Hagar years but the truly fantastic awesomeness of David Lee Roth, or as I like to affectionately call him DLR

The reason I mention this is because I kicked some major ass rocking out to 1984 today at the gym. I went with my friend Camille. She does this totally mental dance class on saturdays that I fear taking part in. The instructor is famous for turning the class participants into exhausted, sweaty pools of jelly....with nice butts of course.

So anyway, I decided I would get some swim time in and practice my TI drills. I'm doing okay with it. This was only my second week so, you know, it takes time and practice.  I figured after swimming I would get on the treadmill a little bit and try to up my running.

Well I ended up doing this mini TRIATHLON

I know it's totally crazy but I did.

I swam for 30 minutes, ran for thirty and cycled  for 30 and you know what, it was TOTALLY HARD and my face was bright red and I was totally drenched in sweat and it felt awesome.

And something really important that came out of it was self-confidence. I have never been a runner and I ran today. I ran for 30 minutes straight on a decent setting with some inclines and I didn't die!

Maybe the 5k in February is an attainable goal after all.

Thanks Dave!

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1 comment:

Camille said...

Thank you for including me into your blog. I love the butt picture! I am very proud of you for working out so hard. I fear yoga again. If you fear dance, we need to push each other to do both. I know we can. I bet you dropped a jean size already, you look great!